During this whole term, I had been working on a lot of tasks. However, the main ones were Major Project and the Website. Both of them were very interesting and intriguing to me. I get to know new software and options on how to solve different kinds of problems. 

My Major Project was a fashion collection. I based it on a crumpled paper theme because it seemed to be very unique. I could not find anyone doing something similar that is why I also decided to take this path. The background for the collection was much wider than the collection itself. I had to establish the target market, colour palette, research the trends and make loads of mood boards. These tasks were very time-consuming but I enjoyed them a lot. I learned how to describe the target market properly, which I think is very important. Then, I started making the collection, starting from quick sketches and contour sketches right after that. Next, I decided to show how I want to apply the texture of the crumpled paper to the projects because I thought it may not be obvious. At this point, I discovered that both of the software that I have been using have a time-lapse option which allows me to easily show the process of completing each step of my project. It helped me a lot because I did not have to remember to take a screenshot every time I change something. After finishing the pieces, I was delighted with my work. I made them in the technical version because this is how I was taught to do. Additionally, I decided to make the fashion illustrations to make my whole collection more attractive, which I think I achieved. It also made the flipbook, which I have made later, more appealing and enjoyable. After finishing that, my tutor advised me to add more description to my pieces. I did not really know how to do that properly so I surfed through the Internet to look for help. Basing on some examples, I have written the descriptions, which may raise the chance of selling the products. I have put my whole project into the flipbook, even though I firstly used different forms of showing my work, I realised that this one is the most attractive. 

Creating the website was my favourite part of this term's works. I did not have any problems with it and I enjoyed changing things and experimenting with different functions. I have developed a lot of my skills and finally made my website very clean and uncluttered. I really like the final outcome. The Homepage is bright and encouraging. The Portfolio page is filled with the flipbook, about which I have talked before. The About Me page is one of my favourite ones because of the photos I have added there and the pretty uncommon setting. The Contact page looks also very fresh, and it is perfectly aligned. Thanks to my mates' and tutor's feedback, I was able to make all of the needed changes, such as linking my name to the homepage. All in all, my website turned out as I dreamed of it. It is clean, uncluttered, bright, fresh and appealing. When I showed it to my friends and family it made a great impression, what proved to me that I did a good job. I am proud of my website because I have put a lot of love in it and spent hours polishing it. I also think that it works well together with my Major Project.

Summarising my reflection, I am very proud of my work. I know that I have made huge progress during this term. I put the bar very high and kept challenging myself. I know I lot could be improved but, at this point, I am satisfied and I am looking forward to the next tasks during the second term.


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