During the class this week we were making a jobseeker video using the free website called Biteable.

Here is the process of creating it.

1. I chose the template.
2. I changed the font of the text to ABeeZee on all of the scenes and changed the colours into the mix of white (#ffffff) and blue (#4a86e8). 
3. I added my own picture.
4. I changed the name into mine.
5. I changed the background colour into lighter blue (#A4C2F4).
6. I changed the animation colour into blue (#4A86E8) and very light blue (#F0F7EE).

7. I changed the text into the one related to me.
8. I changed the background using available photos.

9. I changed the animation colours into blue (#4A86E8) and grey (#666666) on all of these scenes.

10. And I changed the titles of these scenes and completed the descriptions.

12. Additionally, I added the contact scene with my e-mail address and photo of me.


  1. Very nicely done you could send that to an employer and be proud at this stage - good work nicely executed and good process here

  2. I really like your video! I think it covers all of the necessary aspects that great fashion show director need to make phenomenal event. I also like your documentation of creating process. It truly is a detailed description.


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