I decided to test SketchBook on my iPad using Apple Pencil.

I discovered a lot of tools that I did not find in other software such as a bunch of different brushes or angles. They give the opportunity to add special effects to the project.

I played with it and finally, I have decided to use it in my major project because it gives a lot of possibilities to improve my work.

Some tools that I have also tested:


  1. I can recommend you to use Procreate on your iPad for this project. It is a paid app, however you have to pay only once for the access to it and from my experience in working with various digital software apps, it is definitely the best on for this kind of work. If you cannot get it for some reason though, I think the app that you chose will work really well as well!

    1. Oh thank you for your advise! I'm gonna take a look on Procreate then.


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