For this collaboration project, we had to work in pairs. I decided to work with Nicole because she is a beautiful, young fashion enthusiast with lots of energy and ideas in her head. As we are both completely different, we decided to show the differences and similarities between us.

Nicole is from Hong Kong. She has been interested in art since primary school. Besides, with the influence of her family, she grew up in an artistic environment. She enjoys using art to express herself and showing her emotions. Under the culture of Hong Kong, there are lots of traditional customs and handicrafts. This artistic atmosphere influenced her work and interested her in mythology. From painting on the wall to clothes tailored and collages, this is how she became interested in design. 

We popped up in the same environment because of our interest in fashion. Even though we are completely different, raised in different families, cultures, even parts of the world (Nicole is Asian and I am European), we found the way to be on the same wavelength.

Our main idea was to show the differences in appearance. This is why we decided to combine our faces. 

These are the basic super quick drafts that we have made. 

In our project, we also wanted to show that we have similar interests. This is why our continuation of this project was to think about the background. We decided to make a collage of things related to fashion design. Additionally, we came with the idea of adding some pictures related to our cultures.


We divided ourselves into tasks depending on who is better at what. As I am not an expert in drawing faces, this is what Nicole did, while I have been working on the collage background. 


  1. Excellent ideas and very good process of that ideas generation here - very well explained and thought out


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