LECTURE: David Bowie



During Thursday's class, we had a lecture about David Bowie. 

Dawid Bowie was a very interesting person. He was trying to express himself in many different ways. He was a musician but he has also been drawing, sculpting and writing. 

He invented Ziggy Stardust which was his alter ego which he was mostly known for. 

He was also recognised as a fashion icon because of his extraordinary outfits. 

I really like the art created by Dawid Bowie as it is unique and you can see many emotions going out of them. This can be seen in both songs and drawings or sculptures but also in his fashion style. I think he can be a very good inspiration for many people. Even though I am not a fun of expressionism, his artworks have something in them that attract my attention. However, as a fashion student, I am still the biggest fun of his fashion style which was bizarre and eye-catching.


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