In this post, I will show the ideas, process and final portfolio for the work from this term.

Here are the sketches of how to showcase the work. I would like to present it in the flipbook again, so this is why the plan looks like that.

I started by making the cover page. I worked on the Photoshop Mix app on my iPad. This is a pretty easy and free app to use with a lot of options.

The hardest part was to choose one photo of the 3D piece from the photoshoot. I decided on the one that showcases all of the details and is a bit dreamy and mysterious.

I then was thinking about how to combine that with the 2D collage. I somehow came up with the idea of adding a cloudy effect. To do that, I used the PicsArt app and this drawing tool.

I then pasted the 2D collage in the right top corner.

The next step was to add the title. To do that, I have used the Avenir Next font in the size 159.

In the end, I added my name and the year. Again using Avenir Next font but in the size 76. I also used this part as a back cover.

And this is the final outcome:

To create the 'faded title' page, I worked again with the Photoshop Mix app. I used the Avenir Next font in grey colour. Next, I pasted a couple of titles in different sizes and positions. I then changed the brilliance using basic settings on my iPad to achieve a more faded effect.

And this is how it turned out.

The next page is a 'description of the collection page'. This one will be added later directly to the flipbook.

Then we have the 'faded sketch' page. This one actually needs consideration. I have no idea if it will look clean in the portfolio. I will decide later if I will leave it like that or maybe replace it with the 'faded title' page.

To do the 'faded sketch' pages, I worked on Photoshop Mix App again. I have chosen the blank white background and added the page with the sketches. I cut them out using the 'cut out' tool. To achieve the faded effect, I used the adjustments. I put the highlights to 100% and clicked on the auto mode. I then put the sketches in the left bottom corner. I also changed the opacity to 12%.

And this is how they turned out.

Then, I worked on the '2D design' pages. To do so, I worked on the PicsArt app. I firstly took pictures of the fabrics and then put them in a grid together.

Next, I chose the grid of 4 spaces - one big one and 3 smaller ones. I left the top right one empty and later deleted it to leave the space for the title and description (will be added later directly to the flipbook). To the bigger spaces, I pasted one of the 2D designs. To the right middle one I pasted the fabrics and to the right bottom one, the Pantone panel.

I polished the whole using the 'smooth' tool to smother the 2D designs.

I did all of the steps to all designs.

And this is the final outcome.

The next step was the '3D description' page. For this part, I considered two options: using the UNUM app or pasting the pictures by myself using the Photoshop Mix app. I tested both options.

From the UNUM app, I have chosen one grid that looked like polaroids. In the Photoshop Mix app, I decided to lay the photos similarly.

On this page, I wanted to have 3 photos displaying all the 3 lengths of the skirt. This will accurately illustrate the description I have written for this piece. So, I ended up with these two versions.

I find the one made in Photoshop Mix much cleaner and more to fit my portfolio. So I decided to choose this option. The description again will be added directly in the flipbook.

Last but not least, the 'photos' pages displaying the best of the best photos taken during the photoshoot. For this part, I have tested a bunch of different grids and layouts but finally ended up using the UNUM app and two versions of grids. Each of them will be put on a separate page. I do not think there is a lot to explain, so I will just show the final result.

As you can see, I have made another selection from the photos. And the above are the ones that will be presented in the final portfolio. I think they show the two-piece in a really nice way, from different sides and in a variety of lighting.

And this is the whole process from the first part of making the final portfolio. The next part will be a flipbook.


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