The last update of the website was very simple. What I mainly needed to do was to upload the flipbook to the earlier prepared subpage.
So I did so. Unfortunately, FlipSnack updated the flipbooks and this one did not look the same as the previous one. Hence, it is a little bit smaller on the website.
I thought that will be it but I then changed my mind about the whole portfolio page. I decided to make it cohesive. To do so, I used the Canva software. I used one of the given logo templates and changed the colour.
I put them as the cover for the subpages. I also decided to add a frame. The circle one with a bit of shadow looked the best for me. I used it and made the elements a little bit bigger than before.
And this is the final outcome.
The last change, I have made, was to expand the text on the 'about me' page a little. My tutor suggested writing more about my future plans. So that's what I did.
And that was the end of updating.
My finished website can be accessed here:
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