This is the final piece of my project. The research and creating process took me a lot of time, but I am very proud of myself and happy with the result. I have got a lot of complications but I managed to finish this advert. I love that it turned out to be very stylish and classy. I am also very glad that I tried to use new tools and programs. Certainly, I have gained a lot of new skills that will be useful for me in the future. 


  1. Your advert has a good image and logo but you have no tagline so I am not entirely sure what you advertising here - is it the bag? the trousers? the shoes? You definitely need something to explain what this is for

  2. I really like your font choices and the composition. I think that trauser motive is really eye catching which is key for an AD. Also the color choices are really interesting and I think your palette is pretty. The only thing I would change is actually recreating the slogan to be more catchy and bring more customers to your boutique.

    1. Thank you for your feedback. I agree, I should have definitely thought more about the slogan.


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