During the classes this week, we started creating our own website using Wix. 

Here are the several steps I did.

I started with the Home Page with all of the basic information.

1. I have chosen the template that I liked the most.

2. I have changed the name and the navigation panel.

3. I customised the navigation panel. I changed the colour to black and chose the font: Kepler.

4. I changed the font of the name to Sacramento size 35.

5. Then I added "Fashion Designer" under my name also in the font Kepler and changed the size to 22.

6. I changed the photos on the main page into my projects. I chose the layout called "slides" because I thought it is going to look perfect for my website.


  1. I really like the about me page, it seems to be coming together and looking good - keep adding this process as we go along - well done here


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