stand out
 In this post, I would like to talk about the work that I am creating this term.

Our task is to consider how our work can influence the world.

As a fashion design student, I think about my work as a garment. Something that people would wear during specific occasions or a normal day. I have to think also about who would want to wear what I have created. What is most important is to make people feel better in their own skin. I think that clothes are like a second skin. You can feel good in it or not. You can be confident or unconfident. You can feel like you can express yourself through what you are wearing or feel embarrassed about how you look. 

The aim of my project to influence the world is to raise empowerment. Awareness that you can wear whatever you want as long as you feel powerful in it. My project, my collection, will be powerful. Massive black maxi perfectly flattering dresses with additional lights attached. These designs will be mostly for those who like to shine. As I am this kind of person, this is personally very important for me. If I want to stand out, my clothes have to stand out. Therefore, my collection will be mostly dedicated to girls/women going to the prom or any kind of different, special occasion. I think that during this kind of occasions, everyone wants to feel special, shine, stand out and feel confident in their own skin. I think that when you are wearing something beautiful that fits you well your confidence immediately grows. And this is what I want to achieve. I want people to feel confident and powerful and do not be afraid to stand out.


  1. Follow this up in a later post, perhaps as part of your primary research - you bring up some issues about empowerment and confidence through clothing that are important - this is about identity, finding a place and role in the world. Well done.


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