Art Portfolio

Project Ideas & Plan

Natalia Goncharova, Peasants Picking Apples, 1911, oil on canvas, 104.5 x 98 cm (Tretyakov State Gallery).


Name: Olga Sobolewska




Progression Route: Fashion Design


Describe your major project objective using the SMART acronym


My project will be a fashion collection of 4 maxi dresses in the theme of 'Ultimate black'. The 3D piece will be the realisation of one of the designs.


This project is measurable because I will know when it is completed when I will have four 2D designs and one 3D garment and the final works will be presented in the portfolio.


I have skills that will allow me to complete the project. I will also develop some of them to make my project as good as possible.


My progression route is Fashion Design so I am creating a collection. It will also be done in the chosen theme.


By mid-March, I will finish all 2D pieces and from mid-March, I will only work on the 3D piece. By the seventh of June, I think I will be able to complete the project.

Why have you chosen to do this project?

I have chosen to do this project because of the ideas that came into my mind. When we had to choose the specific theme, I immediately imagined the black dress of Alexander McQueen. At this moment, I started to think about what reminds me of the black colour. I had so many ideas that I had to ask my friends which one they like the most. Furthermore, after discussing the project with my tutor, I am sure that this is what I want to do. Especially, that I have seen that my tutor was also very excited about the final outcome.

Who are you researching for this project? Please list at least three artists and/or designers and your additional research on your concept

For this project, I will research:

Hussein Chalayan - for use of the materials

Tomasz Ossoliński - for his history with corsets

Tommy Hilfiger - for his Cinderella dress for Zendaya

and some sewing techniques depending on which parts of my project I will not be able to do without any help.

What techniques/skills are you developing/learning for this project?

For this project, I am developing my traditional drawing and sewing and draping skills.

I will have to watch a lot of tutorials on how to sew specific elements such as corset.

What do you expect the final outcome of the project to be?

 I expect the final outcome of the project to be four 2D designs of maxi black dresses and a 3D piece as a realisation of one of the designs.

What have you completed so far for this project?

I have done some initial sketches and I have also researched black dresses throughout the centuries.

What do you think will be the issues/drawbacks to the project?

I think the biggest issue will be the 3D piece. Especially, dealing with the sewing machine which loves to jam or break. Making patterns, sewing all of the pieces together and deciding on the materials will a tough nut to crack.

What is your timescale considering that this has to be completed by Week 10?

Week Three:

Widening the background research.

Researching fashion designers.

Initial sketches and polishing them.


Week Four:

Considering the fabrics.

Start to work on the final 2D pieces.


Week Five:

 Aim to finish 2D pieces.

Start to work on the 3D piece.

Start on making patterns.

Buying fabrics.


Week Six:

Start to sew the 3D piece.




Week Seven:




Week Eight:

Finishing the 3D piece.

Adding lights.


Week Nine:

Organising the photoshoot.

Editing photos.

Putting everything in the final portfolio.

What resources or materials will you need for this project?

For the research, I will need a computer and internet connection. I will also use some fashion books to find some information. 

For 2D pieces, I will need paper, pencils, ink pens, acrylics or watercolours.

For the 3D piece, I will need a sewing machine, mannequin, fabrics, needles, threads and some accessories.

For the photoshoot, I will need a phone or camera and a tripod. I will also need makeup and hair cosmetics and tools to prepare my model.

Draw a picture/Write a sentence/sketch a story/write a dialogue that captures the essence of your project

~ let's see what happens when we combine 16th and 17th century with futurism



  1. Excellent plan, good timescale that is clear and has a lot of detail in it. Could be a bit more specific about the fabrics you are going to design with.


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