During yesterday's session, I had a sign off meeting with my tutor for my final project.

We discussed the project in detail and came up with some new ideas. My tutor showed me some artists to look at and suggested taking inspiration from the 16th and 17th century. W also discussed how I will present the final 3D piece and we came up with the idea of making a video and before that considering different locations, lightning and maybe storyboarding the photoshoot. 

I am very excited about this project and I can't wait to work on it and see the final results.

Here is the sign off sheet.

 Art, Design & Media

Ethical Approval Form

Student & Project Information

  1. Student Details

Last Name: Sobolewska

First Name: Olga

Subject Area (please indicate) 

Art & Design


2. Project Activity for which ethical approval is being sought.

 please complete the following details:

Continuation Route: Fashion Design

Project Title: 

Project Aims and Objectives:

The fashion design project I will carry out this term will use the theme of "Ultimate Black". I will design four black maxi dresses using traditional drawing techniques. I will also create one physical piece using sewing techniques, draping and a mannequin. 

To present a collection, I will organize a photoshoot and add final photos to my portfolio. I also want to focus on makeup, hairstyle and accessories as I think that these are also important aspects. 

The colour palette will be based on black but I do not exclude elements in other colours. I was thinking about using satin and silk but I have to consider it more deeply. The target market for this collection will be women aged 16-25 years old. I would like to attribute this collection to prom dresses.  For this project, I will have to research a lot of practical sewing techniques such as how to make a corset. The completed collection will be probably presented in a flipbook in the digital portfolio on my website by the deadline of 7th June.

Research: Combination of 2 different eras - taking inspiration from 16th/17th Century designs and how you update them - make it contemporary

Link it to Hussein Chalayan - for the use of materials

Video - location/lighting - storyboarding

Additional documents you may require will be model release forms and risk assessments.  Your tutor will assist you in completing these if the project is agreed.

3. Activities Checklist

Please Tick

If Yes



Additional Documents completed: please list

Conducting Interviews or any of the following:

Making audio or video recordings of identifiable people

Collection storage and use of personal data about identifiable living people

Observation of adult human behaviour involving identifiable individuals

Using archived personal data in which living individuals are identifiable. 


Observing, interacting or otherwise working with children (under the age of 18) and/or vulnerable adults


Researching into activities that have a risk of personal injury to the participants


Supporting innovation that might impact on human behaviour. e.g. Behavioural studies and/or activities which may pose a physical risk to other people not directly participating in the research


Activities which may cause a risk to the environment


Researching activities that are concerned with the following ‘sensitive research’ areas: illegal activities, including the collection of source data e.g.crime statistics, or access to websites normally prohibited by university servers., or extremism and radicalisation


Research/project activity that may be culturally sensitive.  i.e. use of images, language, materials or resources that could impact negatively on other students in the group.


Your tutor will help you fill in this part of the form

4. Ethical Issues: Please state briefly any ethical issues that have been identified.


5. Please state how these ethical issues will be addressed


6. Signature of Student:

I declare that I have considered the ethical implications of my research/project activity.  I understand that I must not undertake any research/project activity until this form has been fully approved by my tutor.  A signature and date must be given here.

Signed: Olga Sobolewska

Date: 19.04.2021

7. Signature of Tutor

I declare that the person named above will be working under my supervision and I have approved the above research/project and the student has completed any additional forms that are required. 

Print Name: Sam Dargan

Signed: Sam Dargan

Date: 19/04/21


  1. Your ideas were clear in the tutorial, you gave some really good reasons for why you wanted to do the project and what it is for. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your ideas over the next few weeks.


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