Preparing everything and myself for the final process of showing the 3D piece I created has also been quite complex.

I had to do a lot of things to be able to present the piece in the best way possible.

Especially, as I will be a model and a photographer at the same time.

The first step I took was doing my nails. I took the old hybrids off and put on the new ones in a more toned colour.

Then, the night before the photo shoot, I put on the face mask to make my skin look better and fresher.

In the morning, I washed my hair and used a conditioner and a gel - to pull the twist out of the hair. I let it dry naturally.

I then did my makeup. I decided on black eyeshadow with a wing-shaped liner.

The next step was to put on the jewellery and dress up. And this is the final look.

I then packed everything we needed for the photoshoot and left home.


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