In this post, I would like to show you the models I sketched today.

I wanted to try different poses to find out which one I will want to use in the realisation of my project.

I came up with 6 options.

These are all of them.

I know they are a bit non-proportional but these were just the fast sketches. Their aim was to give me an idea of the poses. 

I decided to go with the second or third one as they will allow me to show the movement of the designs.

I studied this version and made the final drawing of it and outlined it with the ink pen so that I can use it as a template.


  1. The initial sketches work well, the immediacy of them are well realised. The final two sketches too, although as we looked at in the skills week, working over the top of your initial sketch idea and developing your pose from there is a really good way to troubleshoot and further enhance your design.


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