To present my final 3D piece, I decided to organise a photo shoot. From the beginning, I knew that nobody, from the people I know, will take the pictures in the way I wanted them to look. The same with the posing. I also did not want to risk somebody destroying my dress, as it is super heavy and soft. Therefore, I decided to be a model and photographer at the same time. I have always been taking photos by myself. So this would be just a continuation of what I have been already doing.

However, taking pictures by yourself is not that easy. You can't see yourself at all, and if the angles are right. To help myself in this part, I asked my parents for help. I placed my phone on the tripod and have been taking pictures using a small controller. My mum was telling me if the angles are right and if I stay in the right place. To be sure I have a range of different photos, I asked my dad to also take pictures of me at the same time. He is more familiar with the camera, so this is what he was using. I was pretty proud of him as he was going around and taking pictures from different places. That was super nice. 

For the photoshoot, I finally decided on 4 locations. I wanted to have a range of traditional and futuristic architecture. The places I have chosen were: Fara Poznańska, Freedom Square, Zamek Culture Center and Bałtyk.

Happily, Sunday was such an amazing day. Sunny and pretty warm. It made the dress beautifully shine in the sun. However, it also caused a lot of people. It was pretty hard to take photos without any of them. Actually, the fact I was wearing such an extraordinary piece of clothing made people go out of the way. Luckily, I managed to have a couple of beautiful pictures without anyone on them except me.

Meanwhile, we have found such a cute restaurant to eat lunch in.

The photoshoot made me have about 2000 photos to choose from. I have spent the whole evening and the day after making a selection. Firstly, I have chosen about 400 photos, then 200, then 80 and then 45. Now, I am trying to choose the best of the best, which is super difficult.

In the evening, I have also been trying to add the lights I have been writing about before. I really did not want them to be permanent because it would take away the ability to vary the length of the skirt. So, I added the lights using safety pins.

I then went out to the garden to take photos. It was super dark and, even though I put some lights on, my phone and camera refused to cooperate. They did not focus and did not want to take any picture. The only thing I could do was to record the video.

But, as you can see, it turned out super poor. I was very disappointed, but I could do nothing. Unfortunately, I had to throw this idea into the bin. I was thinking about coming back to the town and trying to take pictures there again. However, my parents did not have more time to drive me there. So I had to let this idea go and be happy with the photoshoot made before.


  1. It's a shame that the night shoot didn't turn out how you imagined. There is still time to perhaps look at alternatives - how about an indoor shoot in very low level lighting?


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