In the previous post, I have talked about how I want to carry my primary research.

I decided to go around my home town (Poznań) and find places that could work as a background for the final photoshoot of my final 3D piece.

I, unfortunately, didn't reach all of the locations. However, most of them and also found new ones. And these are the pictures of them:

Avenida shopping centre
MM shopping centre - roof
Zamek Culture Center
Poznań Opera/Adam Mickiewicz Park
Secondary School of Ballet Olga Sławska - Lipczyńska in Poznań
Jordan Bridge
Posnania shopping center
Stary Browar shopping centre - bridge
Andersia hotel
Marcelin grove
Bałtyk building
big mirrors
Freedom Square - fountain
Fara Poznańska
Old Market Square
Museum of Applied Arts
Karol Marcinkowski Park

These are the places that I find very photogenic. I love to take photos there. Some of them are more traditional, cultural and some others are more futuristic. I feel that in my photoshoot, I will try both types of places. I am sure that they will add a lot to how my project will be perceived. All of these places have potential. Therefore, if I have time, I will try to take pictures in all of the locations.


  1. Poznan looks like an extraordinary city. Such a range of architecture and spaces you could potentially work in. You don't mention which of these locations you are thinking of using. The ones that caught my eye were Fara Poznańska, Freedom Square and the School of Ballet. Maybe Andersia hotel as well. Good photos, follow up with which of the locations you want to or can shoot in.


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