This post, unlike the previous one, will be about the process of creating the bottom of my 3D design.

It is based on the idea and pattern shown in one of the previous posts. (link)

To start, I rolled out the fabric on the floor and put down the pattern.

Then, I outlined the pattern, added 2 cm extra and lengthen it to 120 cm.

I drew the lines, divided the skirt into the parts I wanted and cut them out.

I have been drawing on two layers of fabric so I had to sew them together. But I firstly hemmed the edges to prevent them from fraying.

To leave the edges beautifully finished, I folded them three times and sew with a straight stitch. I did so with every edge.

I then put down all of the parts and pinned them together.

To make the dress adjustable, I decided on using latches. I had to order specific equipment to be able to mount them. I firstly tested if everything works correctly.

I then marked places I wanted my latches to be. (at a distance of 6 cm each)

And then started to mount them. I also checked if everything works properly.

I trimmed the excess material that remained on the sides and made the trimming again.

The next step was to add the volume. I first tested the idea on a different fabric to not risk losing the needed fabric.

To add the volume to the dress I had two different types of fabric to choose from. In the beginning, I was sure I will use both of them. But then I decided to use only the shimmery one. The reflection of the light was crucial for me. I was also afraid that more fabric would be too heavy.

In my mind, I came up with the exact idea of folding the fabric. I will show the process of doing that below.

I counted how many squares I needed and cut out 120 of them.

And checked if they looked like as I wished

I sew everything in place on specific parts of the skirt.

The last part was the belt. I cut 85 cm of the band to have the extra in case. Pinned it in the middle and sew to the top part. 

I cut off the excess and also finished the back by folding the fabric inside and sewing through.

Then I trimmed the end of the band.

To finish up the belt, I had to mount the latches again.

And this is how the bottom part of my 3D project was created.

The final outcome will be shown in the further post.


  1. Again, this is highly comprehensive, well done. It looked incredibly time consuming.


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